Safeguarding Practice at Clapham Pottery

Safeguarding Practice at Clapham Pottery

All members of staff and trustees are responsible for health & safety and duty of care. All tutors are DBS checked. Any concerns are dealt with by the tutors at the time and are referred the coordinator and to the Named Person responsible for child protection and duty of care for vulnerable adults.

Background There is a communal entrance with a toilet and classes are held in a large open plan workroom. Children’s classes are one hour. Vulnerable adults’ classes are 1.5 hours. Children are never alone with adults as there are always two or more tutors working with the children.

Procedures When a child first comes to the pottery the following information is verified with the parent/carer

  • Phone number
  • Any allergies
  • Any support needs
  • Can the child come and leave on their own
  • Sign the data protection form
  • If there is medical information to share, it is kept in the office with the register and any medication


Medical Emergencies Children are not given medicine for non-emergencies. If a child is feeling unwell, the parent/ carer is phoned to collect the child. In an emergency, first aid is administered while the assistant tutor phones the parent/carer or ambulance, if necessary.One member of staff goes with the child and remains with them until the parent/carer arrives. The other tutor contacts the coordinator to arrange cover.

General Good Practice Tutors always avoid being alone with a child. If they arrive early, the parent carer must wait. When a child is not collected promptly, the parent/carer is phoned to find the reason both tutor and assistant remain with the child until collected. If the parent/carer cannot be contacted, then after two hours social services is contacted.

Physical Contact Children are asked before tying on aprons and being shown hand positions on the wheel.

Mobile Phones Parents may take photos, but only of their own child/children and show the photo to a tutor to verify this. Children can use phones only for looking for pictures of reference

If you would like to see our full safeguarding policy, please email and we will send you a copy.

Our privacy policy can be viewed here.